Privacy friends, researchers, and anyone keen to perspect. We need your help.
Our current scoring mechanism fails where it should shine.
If a project such as Facebook would fill in all its data, compared to a project such as Monero, they would both gain the same rating.
We invite you and your peers to help us research and redesign an open-source scoring mechanism that neutrally rates a project based on its privacy foundations.
Internally, I’ve collected feedback to gain a perspective on what the scoring model should or could achieve:
- Open-Source (non-blackbox)
- Tool for anyone (esp. non-technical) to qualify a project’s privacy
- Verified and utilisable by 3rd parties
- Adjusted towards specific projects, communities, or tools (events, layer 1s, tooling, …)
- Scales with minimal manual data collection
For this to work, we have quite a few challenges:
- Ethical data collection
- Different projects = different benchmarks
- Project data completeness
- Weighting of various parameters
Looking outside of the scoring-specific challenges, we should stay aware of the risks of applying our own biases in an automated system. We aim to create a neutral, reusable, privacy scoring system. To avoid our internal bias, your perspective and criticism are incredibly valuable.